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Your Gift of Management

There’s a quick shift you can make right now that will immediately change you as a leader.

Ready? Think of your management as a gift, not an obligation.

Try this on for a second. Can you already feel the space and ease that comes with this mindset?

You’re giving the gift of your leadership in the moment: being generous will change your day-to-day experiences, and how people experience your guidance.

But you are also bequeathing something long-lasting. You learned to lead from those who came before you. And right now the people you lead are learning from you.

They’re noticing everything you do. Your leadership shapes how your team members will lead today and in the future. (Tweet+Share) It can be the gift that keeps on giving.

Leading and managing are big responsibilities. What can you create that others will want to emulate? What kind of leadership do you want to instill in your team — and beyond?

These words can be guideposts. What others would you add?

Trust. Nothing else positive you do will take hold without your team’s trust and respect. They don’t have to like you, but they do have to respect you.

Relevance. In your leadership and guidance, show that you understand your team members’ situations and what’s important to them. When you’re out of touch, you undermine trust.

Intentional vision.Be clear about the priorities for the team and each individual.

Transparency. Take the time to communicate, to explain, to teach. Telling someone to do something is just delegating. Giving the why and the how is the gift of the Creative Executive. (Tweet+Share)

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